Art Against Ageism Competition

Our Art Against Ageism competition aims to show the beauty, diverse capabilities & mindset of senior people through artwork and thereby challenging the negative stereotypes of ageing.

Art has been a powerful tool throughout history to convey messages about society. We believe there’s no better way to challenge negative stereotypes of ageing and promote inclusivity than through an art exhibition that celebrates the beauty and diverse capabilities of senior people.

In a world where ageism persists in various forms, we aim to create a culture that values and cherishes our elders, fostering an environment that rejects marginalisation and elder abuse.

2024 was the fourth year our “AMCS Art Against Ageism” Competition was held.  Popularity has increased and we received over 600 entries from all around Australia.  With no age limitation, we continue to be encouraged by the enthusiasm and beautiful stories behind the entries.  Look out for details of our 2025 competition.





To view the highlights of our 2024 competition, click here

Together, we can make a meaningful difference in our community and beyond.