Aged Care. Where Do I… 17 January 2023
How does AMCS compare? 27 October 2022
VMC at AMCS Offices 3 June 2022
Six free short courses 7 October 2021
AMCS in the ABC 2 August 2021
Harmony Week 15 March 2021

AMCS nominated for AUSactive’s Most Inclusive and/or Diverse Program

AMCS is nominated for the MOST INCLUSIVE AND/OR DIVERSE PROGRAM in the 2022 AUSactive National Awards Program.

Through the Moving for Life The Way I Like It (MFL) project, we supported 3,500 multicultural seniors to stay active, healthy and social through a range of activities.

We are thrilled to be acknowledged for developing a program that addresses the barriers culturally and linguistically diverse seniors’ experiences.

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