Aged Care. Where Do I… 17 January 2023
How does AMCS compare? 27 October 2022
VMC at AMCS Offices 3 June 2022
Six free short courses 7 October 2021
AMCS in the ABC 2 August 2021
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Announcing the Retirement of Elizabeth Drozd, CEO of AMCS

Elizabeth Drozd, our dedicated and passionate CEO, has announced her retirement after more than 20 years with AMCS.  We would like to take this opportunity to recognise and celebrate the unwavering service that Elizabeth has given to our organisation and the leadership that has resulted in the outstanding growth and achievements of AMCS, during her tenure.   

Being recognised for her tireless and determined commitment to the Community Service sector in 2023 with an Order of Australia (OAM), we are extremely appreciative of the committed service that Elizabeth has given to AMCS and the broader Polish and Multicultural communities in Victoria.  With Elizabeth’s leadership and determination, AMCS is achieving it’s mission by improving the lives of so many senior Victorians by providing care, support and empowerment. 

With a departure planned in June this year, we look forward to celebrating the successes that Elizabeth has been an integral part of.

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